Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help for Haiti

By now everyone has heard about the devastation in Haiti. I feel sad for those people in that Country not only do they jave to watch out for Hurricanes and Mudslides but now earthquakes.I remember after Katrina.When I found out everything I owned was lost in St.Bernard.An Unimaginable saddness befell me.I had lost everything in my life Material wise.I at least had hope because my family had survived.The material things could be replaced but to lose family would have completely devastated me.In Haiti death is always a possiblity but sudden destruction and the death it brings must be Un imaginable to any of us in The UNited States.I think New Orleans Musicians should band together and help raise some Money for the people of Haiti just as people around the World Helped Us after Katrina.If it wasn't for those people after Katrina I don't think I could have made it .The American people are truly a caring Compassionate people and though we get a bad rep alot our kindness is not contested .Lets do what we can to help these people for the pure Humanity of it.I have always tryed to live my life by the Golden Rule"Do unto others as you would have them do unto You"Kindness brings Kindness and Mercy in return.Lets not forget this little country in our thoughts and Prayers.